- Volume: 4 L. - max temp: 900 - 1,300 °C - Door opens to the right side. - Equipped with non-programmable controller Omron E5CC. - Outside casing - metal sheet, powder grey. - Solid ceramic chamber.
- Volume: 3 L - 22 L. - Max temp: 1,100 °C - Door opening: upwards. - Equipped with non-programmable controller Omron E5CC. - Outside casing - metai sheet, powder grey.
- Volume: 40 L. - Max temp: 1,100, 1200, 1,300, 1,600 °C - Chamber made of fiber thermal insulation plates. - Door opens to the right side. - Equipped with non-programmable controller Omron E5CC. - Outside casing - metal sheet, powder grey.